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Housekeeping | Helps you bring more business to your hotel

Helps you bring more business to your hotel

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Source: Choice Solutions Update, Spring, 2008
Publish Date: March, 2008

Everyone knows how important it is to keep a hotel clean. Guests expect it. Health inspectors demand it. And common sense tells us it's the right thing to do. But as anyone who has ever worked in a hotel knows, it's not always easy to keep a property clean.

Choice Hotels recommends that every property give its common areas, kitchens, storage rooms and elevators a deep cleaning at least once a year. This deep cleaning should be done shortly before a property's busy season. To clean a hotel thoroughly, furniture should be pulled away from walls, equipment should be moved, carpeting and fabrics should be steam cleaned, and storage areas should be emptied so cleaning crews can access hard-to-reach spots. If necessary, touch-up painting should also be done.

The purpose of a deep cleaning is to refresh and revitalize a property. Get rid of persistent odors no matter how mild they may be. Remove stains. Sanitize dining areas. Give guests confidence in the cleanliness of the property. Perception is reality. A guest who lacks confidence in a hotel is less likely to relax and enjoy their stay, and is more likely to find reasons to complain about the property. Annual deep cleanings are a great way to help ensure that guests see a property at its best and become more likely to refer the hotel to friends and family.

Clean enough to eat off

The deep cleaning is only one part of the cleanliness equation for hotels. Even more important is the daily, thorough cleaning of the kitchen and dining areas. Unfortunately, some of the cleaning techniques used to tidy up kitchens may inadvertently be making the situation worse, not better. Common mistakes could actually be attracting pests to your kitchen rather than keeping them away. This can create serious health risks.

Hotel staff sometimes unintentionally provide food and water for pests like rodents, cockroaches and flies. For example, water that is used in cleaning and sanitizing - to wipe off counters or mop floors - can end up in hidden, undisturbed places like underneath equipment, in cracks and crevices, or under loose floor tiles. And the water can carry crumbs and food particles with it. The moist, dark areas become the perfect feeding and breeding sites for many pests.

Small adjustments to your cleaning and sanitation procedures could help fix or prevent many pest issues. Here are 10 quick tips to help you keep your kitchen and dining areas clean.

  1. Make the extra effort to clean under equipment and all the way to the walls to catch any unseen trash and food debris.
  2. Clean hidden areas where water and food are often overlooked and can accumulate, such as crevices between counters and equipment, around drains, and inside cracks in floors and cabinets.
  3. Don't use high-volume water pressure to clean floors because this can push water and food particles into wall voids, under flooring, and into other areas where pest activity can flourish. Pressure washers can also damage floors.
  4. Vary the direction and intensity of your cleaning routine. When the same people use the same cleaning methods day after day, the result can be missed areas and hidden sanitation issues that grow progressively worse over time.
  5. Ensure that no water is left standing. Empty sinks after each use. Dump out cleaning buckets and mop buckets after using them.
  6. Ensure that staff use correct cleaning techniques and follow all sanitation and cleaning procedures. Most manufacturers provide instructions for the most effective use of their products. Be sure that your cleaning crew follows these recommendations carefully.
  7. Keep garbage cans tightly covered at all times and remove garbage throughout, if necessary. Empty all garbage cans at the end of the day and never leave trash inside the facility overnight.
  8. Ensure no personal food items are left in lockers, break areas or the hotel office.
  9. Be sure to rinse all recyclable items before placing them in recycling bins so they are clear of food residue.
  10. Store food in air-tight containers.

These simple tips can help every Choice property increase guest satisfaction, improve QAR scores, and enhance overall cleanliness. All it requires is diligence and a commitment to maintaining a clean, safe and healthy hotel. For more information on pest elimination or kitchen cleaning products, call Ecolab&v=cb">Ecolab.


As you are preparing for the summer, here are a few additional suggestions of things you might want to do to help ensure your hotel is ready for the busy season:

Does the parking lot or building need to be pressure washed?
Is the irrigation system properly working after the winter months?
Have the guest rooms and public space areas been deep cleaned?
Has a pest elimination company pre-treated your hotel for rodents and insects?

Have all carpets been cleaned?

Do the guest room phones, TV remote controls, and clock radios work properly?

Have persistent room odors been removed?

Have smoke detector batteries been checked and replaced if needed?

Do any exterior light bulbs need to be replaced?

Are hotel signs brightly lit and well maintained?

Have all sidewalk cracks, broken branches and other hazards been fixed?
Does the landscaping of the hotel look aesthetically appealing?
Are the shower curtains and bathtubs free of mold and mildew?
Have broken bathroom fixtures and accessories such as sinks, toilet paper holders, and towel bars been replaced or fixed?

For additional guidance in preparing your hotel for the summer, be sure to contact your AD.


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